Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week Eight - Aisha

Week Eight....We had a busy week! Starting with Michigan Adventure with water slides, rides and lots of sunshine we had some great family time. It seemed our week never stopped. Outside was our theme this week and we had a blast! We LOVE summer!!


Planes, trains, and automobiles.

Here is Travis driving Hannah around in his cool car while at Michigan adventure. He thought he was the coolest kid in the park. Who wouldn't driving a cool pink car with a beautiful girl on their side! :) (this was a ride in the park)

Some kind of Wonderful

Here are my beautiful boys. Ben defiantly looks out for his brother and hugging is not an issue for these two. Don't let them fool you, they know how to fight just as much!

Some kind of Wonderful #2

I LOVE this photo of Ben waving to his little brother who is standing on top of the slide. Travis, age 3, is so proud to be doing it himself!

Pretty in Pink

My Oriental Lillie's are going wild at our hotel this year. The front of our business looks so beautiful. Now to get the customers to act as these flowers look! Its been a busy week at the hotel and with that brings out the crazies!

The Great Outdoors

Travis is filling up his bucket of soapy water so he can wash his bike and trucks. Something him and Ben LOVE to do on our warm summer days.

I count this as weird science.

The boys were fascinated that they could put water inside the cab of the firetruck. Than after filling it had to turn the truck over to see where the water drained from. This entertained them for quite some time. While in turn gave them some nice quality teamwork brother style!

Weird science #2

Weeds that looked very cool as I laid down on the ground to get the sky as a backdrop. I guess you can call it weird science nature style!


  1. The lilies are so beautiful Aisha, I also love the pictures of your boys.. they look like they were having a blast at Michigan Adventure! :)

  2. GREAT photos this week Aish! I looked at the waterslide ones again and I do see Travis up there waving - so cute! I also really love the last one of the weeds. If I look at it for while, I can see them swaying in the breeze. :-)

  3. Great pics! I could totally see the firetruck one in a magazine. Your lilies are beautiful! I'm hoping to grow some next year. Any tips?

  4. Amy, I get my lilies from the greenhouse at the end of the season when they are dead and at drastic discount. I plant them in the fall with my tulips. I have had great success doing this. If your going to plant Orientals than you will need to plan on some kind of stake. They are top heavy and the flowers grow like crazy. When I do plant them I always replace some of the dirt with mirical grow top soil. And again in the spring do some mirical grow. Once they are there its just a matter of time before they spread and fill up a space. The flowers you see in the photo have been there for three summers. THATS IT!! By the way, the firetruck is one of my very favorite photos as well! Thanks
