Monday, August 13, 2012

Week Eleven - Amy

Kieric got to go in the dive pool at the Aquatic Center for the first time this week. He is finally able to swim well enough that I trust him in that deep of water. He went off all the diving boards (including the high dive) and the drop slide. I took pictures of him on each one and he decided that I should get in on the fun of the dive pool and he should get in on the fun of taking pictures. He asked me to go off the high dive first. When I was up there, he said to do a cannon ball. I told him I was too old to do a cannon ball, but truth be told, I was terrified to do anything more than jump straight off from that height. So when I went off the lower spring board I gave him something to get excited about and he caught it on film. He thought his mom was cool doing the splits in the air.

The sun through the trees across the street as it begins it's decent for the evening.

The closest thing I got to sand this week was sanding my feet after being at the pool all day.

Tirion's wrinkly prune feet after her bath. 

Cool Drink
Dag drinking a Capri Sun at our picnic at the pool. It was very hot and he enjoyed his cool drink.

This is the Trumpeter Vine that grows on the trellis on the side of our porch. It grows like crazy and has been popping up in the yard this year. It's a beautiful plant, but is becoming a nuisance.

I've always wanted to go to an Aerosmith concert and I finally made it happen this week. My friend Terri and I drove to Tacoma to watch them. We had great seats! There was no one in front of us, so we didn't have to stand for the whole concert. We got to chill in our seats and enjoy the show. He may be old, but Steven Tyler can still rock a stage. And...I got a t-shirt.


  1. Kudos to you on going off the diving board! I love the wrinkled feet too! I've seen Aerosmith in concert a few times and it is ALWAYS a great show! I hope this isn't your last!

  2. You are a brave lady! I don't think I'd have the guts to jump off the diving board. I love the wrinkly feet picture too!
