Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 14- Aisha



ZODIAC Week 14

Once again, I did not get the entire list completed. One of these day I will get all SEVEN! Now that my season is coming to an end at the hotel I may get out a little more. Ben starts Kindergarten tomorrow, I can't believe it! Because of this I will get to spend some more one on one time with Travis (his little brother). I hope to be able to do a lot more outside this fall with him AND my camera. It's coming, my favorite time of year.....FALL!!!!! yay!
AIR (see photos below)

My boys playing with milk week pods....watching the seeds float through the air.
 One of my beautiful Seniors...the air was warm and the breeze made our photo!
STARS (see photo below)

These are my three stars. They were all SUPER STARS in my book today. Todd was extremely patient when teaching my boys today. The boys were very good and listened well. I LOVE these family golf outings!
FIRE (see photo below)
A dragon fly, the color of fire. These dragon flies were everywhere. I was trying to get a photo of a firefly but couldn't find any this week.
WATER (see photo below)
The very popular WATER shot. This is the pose most ALL of my girls want when going out this time of year. The crooked horizon bothers me very much but she likes it, so that's what counts.


  1. Love, love, LOVE the milkweed photo! How on earth did you catch that? I try so hard to catch those little things, but it seems I am far too slow!
    Nice work this week!

  2. I really like the milkweeds! We used to do the same thing growing up! The dragonfly is pretty cool. I never thought of fireflies, good thinking!

  3. I love the red dragonfly, beautiful! Gorgeous senior pics too!
