Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 16 - Melissa

Portrait of a Loved One

One of our favorite spots to hang out is at Young State Park.  We can walk the loops all year, play at the playground, swim in the summer, and play in the sand. 

This is my oldest son, Tyler, sitting in the sand at the beach.


It is birthday time again at our house.  This is my middle son, Sam's, birthday party at a local pizza place.  My husband cut the cake so it would be easier (aka: faster) to serve the cake after blowing out the candle.  It did not make it easier to put the candle on. : )

My youngest, Alex, at a drinking fountain.

Black & White

My youngest on his "motorcycle" in the sand.


I was wondering how, with three boys, I was going to find a picture to fit this category.  Then, we took some friends to putt-putt and one showed up with this AWSOME hat.

Action Shot

Putt-putt again; this is my youngest running down the hill.  I was just happy he didn't fall on the rocks.

A Pattern Found in Nature

There are so many patterns in nature, and I took so many pictures for this category.  I couldn't decide which to use so here are my favorites.

Lake Superior Rocks we found earlier this summer.

                              Hosta leaf.


                        Mushrooms on rocks.

 Color patterns on maple leaves.

                   Tree bark with cobwebs.

Perspective Photo

This is an 8x10 frame on the beach.  My husband was nice enough to pose for me (although I'll bet he didn't expect I would use it.)  I took some of the kids too but they were not as centered in the frame.


  1. Love your pics Melussa! My favorites are 1. Chris in the frame, 2. Sam blowing out his candle and 3. The Hosta leaf :-)

  2. Thanks, Ashli! I put up a couple of Tyler in the frame on FB with some editing. I love the color of Sam's lips, which sounds crazy, but they are beautiful. The hosta was the first one I took of patterns.

  3. I love your pattern photos, the hosta is beautiful!

  4. Lake Superier rocks are SO COOL!! I look forward to going myself. The picture frame in the sand is a really good idea. Great job!
